Environmental Response Fund (ERF) grants are used to fund the assessment and cleanup of contaminated sites in Hennepin County.
Find information below about ERF grant requirements, how to apply, grant management, funded projects and contacts.
ERF grants are awarded on a competitive basis. Priority is given to the following:
- Significantly contaminated sites
- Demonstrated project readiness
- Municipal and other public development projects
- Affordable housing projects where contamination issues preclude redevelopment
- Projects that promote economic development
- Infill brownfield properties or orphan sites that contribute to blight
- Other criteria include projects that incorporate sustainable features and activities in the project design, construction, and operation
Eligible applicants for ERF include municipalities, economic development agencies, housing and redevelopment authorities, other local public entities, nonprofit organizations, and for-profit businesses. ERF grants are not available to non-local government responsible parties.
ERF grants are available for the investigation and cleanup of non-petroleum contamination or petroleum-related contamination.
In addition to county funding, other sources of funding for the assessment and cleanup of contaminated sites in Hennepin County may also be available. More information can be found at MPCA: Brownfields in Your Community.
Applying for an ERF grant
ERF applications are open now closed for 2024.
Prior to applying for an ERF grant, contact brownfields@hennepin.us to discuss your project and funding needs.
To access the Request For Proposal (RFP) and apply:
- Visit the Supplier Portal.
- You can view the separate RFPs and materials by clicking the Environmental Response Fund RFP in the Events panel on the right half of the screen.
- To apply, follow the on-screen instructions.
You will need to be registered to submit an application. For detailed instructions on how to register and submit an application, including video tutorials and more, visit the Supplier Portal information page.
Funding available
Approximately $1 – $1.2 million is distributed every grant round. Awards vary depending on the project, the amount of available grant funding and the list of applications received. No funding match is required. Grantees can start incurring costs the day after approval by the Hennepin County Board.
ERF grant recipients
Each grantee will be assigned a grant manager. Please contact your grant manager to discuss reimbursement requests associated with your grant. The following forms need to be submitted as part of your reimbursement request:
1. Download and complete a disbursement form to request grant funds.
2. Download and complete an annual progress report (DOCX).
3. City of Minneapolis sub-recipient grantees additional form – download and complete quarterly progress reports (XLSX).
To submit disbursements:
- Provide an electronic copy of the draft disbursement request and all back up information to the assigned grant manager to whom you currently submit requests. The grant manager will review the request and submit it for payment.
- Provide an electronic copy of the final signed disbursement request form, including all required backup documentation to your grant manager.
Grants awarded February 2025
In February 2025, Hennepin County awarded seven grants totalling $2,165,055. The grants will fund soil cleanup, vapor mitigation and sampling, abatement activities, and assessment. The awards will also assist developments that increase the tax base, create or retain permanent jobs, and create and retain affordable housing.
Cheatham Apartments Site, Minneapolis
$1,086,548 requested for soil cleanup, asbestos and lead abatement, demolition, and underground storage tank removal. (Grantee: City of Minneapolis on behalf of Trellis Co.) Recommended award: $777,265
CLCLT Homes – Fall 2024, Minneapolis
$480,000 requested for asbestos and lead-based paint abatement associated with the rehabilitation of 21 affordable owner-occupied single-family homes. (Grantee: City of Lakes Community Land Trust) Recommended award: $480,000
Debre Selam Medhanealem Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church Site, Minneapolis
$437,000 requested for additional soil cleanup costs associated with the development of a church. (Grantee: Debre Selam Medhanealem Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church) Recommended award: $81,057
Hamel Road Apartments, Medina
$215,251 requested for soil cleanup, disposal of contaminated groundwater, and soil gas vapor assessment costs associated with the development of a multi-unit, market-rate residential building. (Grantee: Medina Apartments, LLC) Recommended award: $79,779
Hennepin Lead-Safe Housing 2024
$300,000 requested for continued assistance of a countywide program that performs lead-based paint abatement in residential homes occupied by low-income households with young children. (Grantee: Hennepin County Housing and Economic Development) Recommended award: $300,000
The Springs, Minneapolis
$427,904 requested for soil cleanup, soil gas vapor mitigation system installation, demolition, and lead dust and asbestos abatement associated with renovation of an existing residential building and construction of an additional four-story, multi-unit residential building. (Grantee: City of Minneapolis on behalf of Minneapolis Public Housing Authority) Recommended award: $364,134
Whittier Park, Minneapolis
$233,905 requested for soil cleanup costs associated with park amenities, stormwater infiltration, and landscape renovation. (Grantee: Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board) Recommended award: $82,820