Proceedings subsequent
Any court action under Minnesota Statutes Chapter 508 or 508A, brought after the initial registration, is called a proceeding subsequent.
Proceedings subsequent are commenced by filing a petition. Petitions should be eFiled through the eFile and eServe system, Hennepin Examiner of Titles node.
- Proceedings subsequent instructions (PDF, 1MB)
- Instructions for contested proceedings subsequent (PDF, 1MB)
- Survey requirements for boundary registration (PDF, 1MB)
- Instructions: after an interlocutory order (PDF, 1MB)
- Instructions on pleading bankruptcy allegations (PDF, 1MB) (includes sample paragraphs for petitions)
- Instructions for appointment of a guardian ad litem by an adverse party (PDF, 1MB) (process for appointment and sample forms)
Court rules
- General petition (RTF, 1MB)
- Petition after foreclosure – mortgage (RTF, 1MB)
- Petition after foreclosure – association assessment lien (RTF, 1MB)
- Petition after contract for deed cancellation (RTF, 1MB) (for cancellations of record less than five years)
- Petition after fulfillment of contract for deed (RTF, 1MB)
- Petition after tax forfeiture (RTF, 1MB) (for forfeitures of record less than ten years)
- Petition for order determining boundary lines (RTF, 1MB)
- Order to show cause (RTF, 1MB)
- Interlocutory order (RTF, 1MB) (for boundary registration)
- Order in proceeding subsequent (RTF, 1MB)
- Affidavit of default (RTF, 1MB)