Step 1
Prior to construction or project initiation, proposed improvements on the CAM system should be submitted to the Hennepin County Transportation Department for initial approval of eligibility prior to construction. Submittals should include information on location, a project scope, and a cost estimate.
Step 2
Once the improvement is submitted, county staff will check project eligibility and status of any deficient bridges within the jurisdiction. County policy requires that a town or city must program for the repair or replacement of structurally deficient municipal bridges before funding will be approved for road or street projects. Municipalities are notified of any deficient bridges within their jurisdiction as part of the annual CAM allocation notice.
Step 3
The municipality is given written approval when the project is eligible for CAM reimbursement.
Step 4
After project completion, reimbursement requests can be submitted to the county using a form provided as a part of the annual information packet. The submission should include a final cost statement or invoice for the project.
Step 5
The county will verify the construction work and confirm that eligible project costs were incurred.
Step 6
Hennepin County will then process the payment request and reimburse the city. Reimbursement is limited to the lesser of the project cost or the accrued allocation.
Municipalities are allowed to accrue up to three years of annual CAM allocations. Under special circumstances, such as funding needs for upcoming, programmed projects or difficulties with scheduling, a one or two year extension can be requested by the city.