View the final design for Cedar Avenue
Over the last two years, you shared what you would like to see on Cedar Avenue. With the help of your feedback, the project team developed an initial concept for the corridor that has been approved by the Minneapolis City Council and is now the final design.
The project design includes the following changes to the corridor:
- Two-lane design with left turn lanes and medians at key locations
- Removal of parking north of 28th street
- A two-way separated bike path on the east side between 24th Street and Cedar Field Park and between 26th and 28th streets
- A shared-use path on the east side between Cedar Field Park and 26th Street
- Sidewalks with green boulevards
- Maximizing maintaining existing trees and providing new tree planting opportunities with green spaces and trees 
Next steps
Ahead of anticipated start of construction in 2026, the project team will be preparing final plans and will continue to engage with stakeholders to provide information on what to expect – including temporary changes to access and temporary traffic impacts like road closures due to construction.
Project goals
Cedar Avenue was last reconstructed nearly 60 years ago and the pavement is nearing the end of its useful life. Routine maintenance activities such as overlays and crackseals are no longer cost effective in preserving the road. In addition, community members have voiced safety concerns, including about drivers speeding through the area.
Hennepin County is seeking input from the community to redesign Cedar Avenue to be a safer, more accessible street, accommodate a range of modes, reflect city and county design guidance and works for the community who use it every day.
In its current form, this segment of Cedar Avenue includes a two-lane, undivided roadway. This means there is no median in most areas. There are opportunities to improve transportation for all users of Cedar Avenue through the following project goals:
- Make it more comfortable for people walking, biking, rolling and using transit along the corridor
- Build a road for today and tomorrow that reflects the community’s values
- Design a more livable, calmer, safer street
- Make it easier to access nearby community destinations including parks, trails, and local businesses
- Preserve existing tree canopy and increase greening along the corridor
- Replace and modernize aging infrastructure, such as traffic signals and stormwater facilities
Project history
In 2022 Hennepin County submitted the Cedar Avenue Reconstruction Project to the 2022 Regional Solicitation cycle. Later that year, the Metropolitan Council awarded federal funds to the county with objectives to improve accessibility, mobility and safety for all modes.
The county’s application also included opportunities to coordinate with project partners such as the City of Minneapolis and Metro Transit, on overlapping projects in the Philips neighborhood and on the future of arterial bus rapid transit in the area.
If you would like to learn more, you can read the full regional solicitation application below:
Cedar Avenue- Regional Construction Solicitation application (PDF)