Make everyday Earth Day

women holding cleaning supplies at home

Earth Day is officially April 22, but you shouldn’t limit your green habits just to one day.

Your everyday Earth Day can start with one simple behavior change to kick start a green lifestyle.

  • Choose an action: Whether you want to reduce or eliminate your use of a specific item (maybe paper towels or plastic bags), start composting in your backyard, or keep leaves out of the street and storm drains, be sure to choose a specific behavior that you can realistically take action on.
  • Think about your barriers and motivations: Consider what stands in the way for you and others in your household from taking this action and why you would take action. Use this information to help you identify ways to overcome your challenges and build on your motivations.
  • Identify what you need to take action: Get any supplies, information or prompts you need to take your chosen action.
  • Set a goal and timeframe: Set a specific goal for what you are trying to achieve, decide exactly when you are going to take action, and determine if and how your will track your progress.
  • Celebrate your successes: Recognize when you achieve your goal, take a moment to celebrate, and build on your successes to plan your next action.

Not sure you have the support or information start living a green lifestyle to have Earth day every day? Luckily Hennepin Count offers many services and resources to promote green living. Here are a few ideas, links, and services to get you on the right path.

  • Get your broken household items fixed and learn repair skills by attending a Fix-It Clinic.
  • Think about what you’re going to be buying this year and if there are ways to reduce, borrow, or shop reused instead of buying new.
  • Start composting or recycling your organic materials to reduce the amount of waste that ends up in the landfill.
  • Improve recycling in your household by ordering supplies to make it clear what materials go in what bin.
  • Find the best disposal options for things you are getting rid of by checking the Green Disposal Guide.
  • Protect water quality by reducing salt use and practicing environmentally friendly snow and ice care in the winter.

So remember, Earth Day is a great reminder to choose to live a green lifestyle, but is only one day out of the year. Challenge yourself and friends/family to live green and take care of the Earth the other 364 days of the year. too. Visit the Hennepin County website to see all the additional services and resources offered to help promote Earth Day Every Day!