Business Recycling Grants
To help your organization reduce waste and boost your bottom line
Types of projects
Grants can be used for expenses including:- Recycling containers
- Organics recycling setup and supplies
- Reusable food service supplies and other waste-reduction efforts
Businesses and organizations can also get signage, educational materials, and consulting to help them start or improve recycling programs.
Find information to apply on the business recycling webpage.
Bin and compostable bag grants
Who can apply
Small businesses and nonprofit organizations
Eligible expenses
Select from offerings of blue or green containers for collecting recycling and organics and up to a 3-month supply of compostable bags.
The county is providing free resources and assistance for small businesses and nonprofit organizations to start or improve recycling and organics recycling. Applicants may select up to $3,000 worth of containers and compostable bags from the county's product list. Review the grant flyer (PDF) to learn more.
Review grant guidelines. For assistance with an application, submit this business recycling inquiry form.Waste prevention grants
Who can apply
For profit businesses and nonprofit organizations
This grant program funds projects that prevent waste in the business sector. Areas of focus include reuse and repair, replacing disposables with reusables, food waste prevention and projects around research and development to prevent waste. This year $400,000 is available for business waste prevention grants.
Changes to the grant in 2025
Hennepin County has changed the application process for business waste prevention grants in 2025 to one competitive grant round. There will not be a rolling waste prevention grant application approach this year. Once the April deadline has passed, applications will be reviewed as a group in one competitive grant round. Applications must be submitted through the Hennepin County Supplier Portal.
Applications for the 2025 round of business waste prevention grants will be accepted via the Hennepin County Supplier Portal beginning Tuesday, February 25. Applications are due by 3 p.m. on Tuesday, April 8, 2025.
MNimize single-use plastic reduction program
MNimize is a program of the Minnesota Waste Wise Foundation and Hennepin County that provides support and recognition to food businesses working to reduce single-use plastic waste. Eligible participating businesses that are emerging small business enterprises (ESBEs) can get up to $1,000 through the MNimize Rebate toward expenses to reduce single-use plastic.
For more information or to get started, submit an inquiry form, email, or call 651-292-4664.
Recycling signs
A variety of signs are available for spaces such as offices, cafeterias, commercial kitchens, public spaces and more. Order free recycling, organics recycling and trash signs.
Request assistance
Our committed staff is ready to help you start or improve recycling at your business or organization. Free services include on-site or virtual assessments to determine your best options and necessary start-up steps and evaluation of potential costs and savings.
Request assistance by submitting a business recycling request form.
Community impact
Over 60 organizations, have used the program. On average, business owners have reduced their waste by 55 percent.
Related links and materials
Learn more on the program webpage.
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Business recycling program specialist
Business recycling program specialist