Gardening Swap
gardening supplies and potted plants in front of a wooden fence

May 21, 2024
5 – 7 p.m.

St Louis Park Recreation Outdoor Center
3700 Monterey Drive, St. Louis Park

This is a great opportunity to clear out gardening tools you no longer use and take home new treasures. These events are free and open to everyone! No items may be sold; everything must be given and taken freely. A limit of 5 boxes can be brought to the swaps. 

What to Bring

  • Garden and yard tools (shovels, trowels, rakes, pitchforks, hoses, etc.)
  • Pots and planters (decorative plastic, wood, terracotta)
  • Gardening and plant books
  • Garden art and décor
  • Bird houses and feeders
  • Plants (to reduce the spread of jumping worms, only house plants, seedlings and annuals are allowed.)
  • Seeds

What Not to Bring

Items not accepted: chemicals (including fertilizers and pesticides), perennials, plastic pots or broken items. To reduce the spread of jumping worms, only house plants, seedlings and annuals are allowed.

Visit St. Louis Park website for additional details, including a full list of accepted items.