The Hennepin County Active Transportation Committee (ATC) mission is to advise, promote and expand opportunities for safe and convenient bicycling, walking, and rolling for transportation, commuting, and recreation for people of all ages and abilities in Hennepin County.
- Provide expertise and multiple view points on biking, walking, and rolling around the county.
- Advise Hennepin County leaders and staff and other governmental city and agency staff on current plans, policies and projects.
- Guide the implementation of transportation plans pertaining to active transportation.
- Utilize ATC adopted guiding principles. These principles should be reaffirmed every two years and were most recently adopted at the June 22, 2021, Hennepin County Board of Commissioners meeting.
Meeting times:
- The ATC will meet monthly.
- Regular meeting dates, times, and locations will be set by the membership.
- Quorum will be half of voting membership.
- All ATC meetings are open to the public.
- Three (3) unexcused absences from regular meetings during a calendar year may result in a recommendation from the committee for membership termination to the appointing commissioner.
Agendas and staffing:
- The ATC will be staffed by Hennepin County Public Works.
- The Chair, Vice Chair, and any other officers will be selected by the committee biennially with the appointment of members.
- Agendas will be set by the Chair, in consultation with Public Works staff and posted online at least three days in advance of regularly scheduled meetings, and approved by the membership.
- ATC members will fully participate in all meeting agenda items and attend field visits as needed.
Members should reflect the breadth and diversity of Hennepin County and represent and serve as a liaison to their local community and community groups, as well as, represent the greater concerns of people bicycling, walking and rolling within Hennepin County.
Appointment will occur through an open application process and staff will submit all applications received to the commissioners for appointment.
Each district will be represented by two voting members, preferably one member to represent bicycling and the other to focus on walking and rolling needs.
Non-voting members will include Minnesota Department of Transportation, Three Rivers Park District, Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board, Hennepin County Public Works, Metro Transit, Metropolitan Council, a Hennepin County Human Services and Public Health representative.
Be a part of the county's Active Transportation Committee and you will:
- Play a role in building the county's multimodal infrastructure to expand opportunities for people biking, walking and rolling
- Bring your experience and knowledge to multimodal projects as they are being planned
- Be in a position that officially advises the county's commissioners and staff on matters relating to people biking, walking and rolling
Terms for members are staggered. Seats for the Hennepin County ATC will be up for reappointment, unless otherwise filled to a mid-term vacancy:
- District 1: 2028
- District 2: 2028
- District 3: 2026
- District 4: 2026
- District 5: 2027
- District 6: 2026
- District 7: 2027
Terms are appointed for a length of three years. Committee members elect a chair and vice-chair biennially.
Current members will be invited to reapply, but a full call for applications and evaluation shall occur.
Ground rules and decision-making
The committee follows Robert's Rules of Order.
Minutes and resolutions will be recorded by Public Works staff and posted on the Hennepin County website.
Resolutions will be communicated to the Board of Commissioners via the Chair and in coordination with Public Works staff.
Current committee members
This volunteer committee is made of up of fourteen members. Members are appointed to a three-year term.
District 1
- Tammy McLemore
- Nicole Armstrong
District 2
- Seth Stattmiller
- Billy Binder
District 3
- Dave Carlson
- Ethan Kleinbaum
District 4
- Haley Foydel
- Larissa Lavrov
District 5
- Louis Dzierzak
- Henrik Kowalkowski
District 6
- Anne Vogel
- Luke Van Santen
District 7
- Greg Anderson, chair
- Clara Sandberg
Committee background
The committee was established in 1989 as the Bicycle Advisory Committee (BAC) by the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners. The committee worked to promote the use and convenience of bicycling as a form of transportation and recreation, to integrate bicycles into transportation and recreation systems, including light rail transit, and to coordinate and promote the expanded use of bicycles, by facilitating policy development recommendations to the County Board.
In November of 2012, Public Works commenced a process with BAC members to evaluate the success of the BAC, opportunities to enhance the roles and responsibilities of the BAC and to assess how the BAC provides input into the Public Works programs and projects. The conclusion of this process created a new BAC Mission.
In June of 2021, the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners approved renaming the Bicycle Advisory Committee to the Active Transportation Committee. As part of the Board approval, the ATC has expanded the core values of the committee to include the interests of people walking and rolling in addition to the existing focus on people bicycling.