Applications will be available and accepted November 12 through December 31 at 5 p.m.
Adult Mental Health Local Advisory Council
- At large (1 open position)
- Consumer (3 open positions)
- Family member (4 open positions)
- Mental health provider (3 open positions)
- Position details of the Adult Mental Health Local Advisory Council (PDF, 1MB)
County Extension Committee, University of Minnesota Extension
- At large (1 open position)
- Position details of the County Extension Committee, U of M (PDF, 1MB)
Human Resources Board
- At large (1 open position)
- Position details of the Human Resources Board (PDF, 1MB)
Library Board
- At large (4 open positions)
- Position details of the Library Board (PDF, 1MN)
Race Equity Advisory Council
- At large (7 open positions)
- Position details of the Race Equity Advisory Council (PDF, 1MB)
Three Rivers Park District Board of Commissioners
- At large (1 open position)
- Position details of the Three Rivers Park District Board of Commissioners (PDF, 1MB)
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Board
- Private Sector Business (5 open positions)
Private sector business application required (PDF,1MB): Complete and attach this form to your application. - Economic and Community Development (1 open position)
- Joint Labor Management or Union Affiliate Registered Apprenticeship Program (1 open position)
- Organized Labor Organization (1 open position)
Organized labor organization application required (PDF,1MB): Complete and attach this form to your application. - Wagner-Peyser Services (1 open position)
- Position details of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Board (PDF,1MB)