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See restrictions and instructions below:
Cardboard, boxes, boxboard
No charge
Bloomington Drop-off Facility limit: one pickup truck load of cardboard per visit from households.
Larger quantities of cardboard from households should be delivered to the Brooklyn Park Transfer Station.
Cardboard must be 3 feet by 3 feet or smaller sized.
Remove all packaging material from cardboard, including Styrofoam™ and plastic wrap. Styrofoam can go into the garbage. The plastic wrap, if separated first, can be brought in for plastic wrap recycling.
Due to a significant increase in cardboard recycling, Hennepin County only accepts cardboard that is 3 feet by 3 feet or smaller sized.
Moldy cardboard NOT accepted.
Clean delivery pizza boxes may go in recycling in some areas (check with your city recycling or hauler first), and greasy or food-soiled delivery pizza boxes are accepted by organics recycling programs. They may also be put in the garbage.