
Recommended disposal options

Use it up

Household cleaners should be used up. Cleaning-product containers that still have product inside should not be put in the garbage or recycling. Use up the cleaner before disposal.

Other disposal options

Hennepin County drop-off facilities

See restrictions and instructions below:

Drop-off facilities accept:

Cleaners with the words "caution," "warning," "danger" or "poison" on the label, including drain cleaner, oven cleaner and toilet bowl cleaner


No charge

Materials preparation

Containers must be five gallons or less in size and labeled with the contents.

Safety first: Do NOT mix with other solutions/chemicals. Keep in original container if possible. Transport in a container with a lid to prevent spills.

Drop-off facilities do not accept:

No cleaning products used for business purposes, including home businesses and property managers.

Empty cleaning-product containers

Empty cleaning-product containers that held hazardous products, such as drain cleaners and toilet bowl cleaners, are NOT recyclable. They should go into the garbage.

Empty cleaning-product containers that did not hold hazardous products, such as dish soap and laundry detergent bottles and jugs, ARE accepted for recycling. They should go into the recycling.

Reduce and reuse

For tips see the How to identify and reduce hazardous chemicals in your home brochure (PDF).

Reduce the toxicity of the cleaners you use by making your own from simple, less-toxic ingredients. Get ideas in the Green cleaning recipes brochure (PDF).

Household hazardous waste

For information about products to never mix together, and proper storage and transportation of cleaners, see guidelines for household hazardous waste.

Learn more