
Recommended disposal options

Hennepin County drop-off facilities

See restrictions and instructions below:

Drop-off facilities accept:

Lead, sinkers, solder, lead buckshot, lead paint chips, lead paint and tackle


No charge

Materials preparation

Place items containing lead—such as lead paint chips and lead sinkers—in sealed plastic bags.

Hazardous materials precautions

Lead is a toxic metal that may be found in building materials in older homes, including in paint and solder for water pipes. Lead may also be found in lead sinkers used for fishing. Exposure to lead can cause a range of health effects, and children are especially susceptible.

Related links

Find disposal options and guidelines for:

> Contaminated soil

Rethink and reduce tips

Find tips for avoiding exposure to lead in your home from the Minnesota Department of Health.

Learn about resources and funding available from Hennepin County to remove lead-based paint from your home.

Household hazardous waste

For information about storing and transporting lead and items that contain lead, see guidelines for household hazardous waste.

Learn more