Hennepin County Housing
Building a foundation for all
Support across the housing spectrum
A safe and affordable place to live is the foundation on which people build successful lives. At Hennepin County, we work to develop a range of affordable housing options across income levels. We call it the affordable housing spectrum. We also work to make homelessness rare, brief, and nonrecurring.
This spectrum is the heart of our housing strategy at Hennepin County—helping everyone across the continuum gain access to greater housing stability.
Making a difference
Our programs and strategies have very real impacts on the lives of thousands of people living in our county. Read some of their stories.

A snapshot of three county-funded affordable housing developments that are now welcoming renters.

Hennepin County effectively ends veteran homelessness
Hennepin County and our partners are helping veterans overcome homelessness at a higher rate than veterans are coming into the homelessness system.

Meeting the needs of our affordable housing partners.
Families are facing a crisis
53,090 households in Hennepin County make below 30% of the area median income, but there are only 18,705 housing units affordable to them.
Disparities in housing affordability
We also see significant racial disparities in households that spend more than a third of their income on housing.