Traffic impacts
Road construction work has ended for the season. All lanes of County Road 25 are open and traffic is in its final configuration, including the newly constructed intersection with Minnetonka Boulevard.Minnetonka Boulevard has reopened to traffic from Highway 100 to County Road 25. Continue to remain alert for lane closures for utility crews.
Road reconstruction work is scheduled to resume in March 2025.
Ongoing utility work
Be alert for single lane closures on Minnetonka Boulevard between Joppa Avenue and Highway 100, as private utility companies relocate their lines in preparation for 2025 road construction. Utility work is not done by Hennepin County. Instead power, gas, telecom, phone, and cable service providers temporarily close lanes to safely relocate their lines. For information about utility work, contact the service provider.
Project timeline
In 2024, crews will work on the east end of the project area, primarily along County Road 25.
In 2025, crews will primarily work along the full project area of Minnetonka Boulevard.
Detour and access information
If you walk, bike or roll: We will maintain access to sidewalks and trails during construction whenever possible. There may be times when people walking and rolling will be routed around the construction area for safety.
If you use transit: Metro Transit bus service will be maintained throughout construction. In 2024, construction work isn't expected to affect routes. In 2025, some stops will be temporarily closed or relocated while Minnetonka Boulevard is reconstructed. Visit Metro Transit Rider Alerts for updates.
If you drive: In 2024 County Road 25 will remain open, however there will be lane restrictions. The intersections of County Road 25 and Lynn, Joppa, Inglewood, Huntington, Glenhurst, and France avenues will all close, but not at the same time. The service road on the south side of County Road 25 will remain open. Expect delays during construction. Consider an alternative route where possible. To keep the community safe, please follow the posted detours, drive the posted speed limit, and avoid cutting through on neighborhood streets.
If you live or own a business directly on the project area: We will maintain access to your driveway or entrance. Contact the project team with any specific concerns. Also be aware, construction activity and noise will generally be restricted to weekdays between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., and possibly some Saturdays.
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