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Employer participation

There are many ways an employer can contribute to the content of a program.

  • Financials – Ensure community partner is compensated and has dollars to support participants
  • Employment – Create a process to ensure graduates have access to positions
  • Supervisor panel – Answer questions from participants about teams, work, and culture, and give advice
  • Program graduate panel – Share the experience of transitioning into the workplace
  • Coffee hours – Meet in virtual breakout rooms with staff and participants to have casual networking conversations
  • Resume review – Support participants in building a resume customized to your organization’s preferences
  • Mock interviews – Practice interviewing and provide feedback to participants
  • Work experience – Create paid work experiences during or near the end of programming
  • Employer led trainings – Bring in staff to teach employer-specific trainings
  • Technology – Provide access to and training for essential technologies
  • Job shadow – Offer a short-term opportunity to see the work in-action