Accessible voting
We have accessible absentee ballots and voting equipment for voters.
Accessible absentee ballots
This ballot can be filled out with assistive technology on a computer.
You or your agent must return your ballot in paper form to your local elections office.
Those who have impaired vision or print disabilities can apply.
Application process
Email your request to We will reply with
- Instructions and a link to your ballot.
- A link to the online regular absentee application will also be provided, if you haven't already submitted one.
Absentee envelopes and other materials will be mailed to your address.
Accessible voting equipment
The equipment allows voters to mark their ballots independently and privately without using a pen.
The ballot goes in the same tabulator as all other ballots.
Election judges or staff are there to help.
Available for in-person voting in Hennepin County.
- Ballot magnification and high-contrast background
- Audio reading of the ballot through headphones
- Two options to mark choices:
- Touchscreen
- Ports for other accessibility devices
- Braille keypad
- Ballot can be reviewed independently with audio after choices are selected
- Prints the selections that the voter marks
How to use the ExpressVote ballot marking device (video)
To schedule an organization or group demonstration email