Marriage ceremony
We offer couples a brief non-religious, gender-neutral ceremony.
No personal vows or changes can be made to the civil ceremony script.
Our staff perform the ceremony at the counter.
The ceremony takes about 10 minutes and isn't performed by a judge.
Ceremony requirements
- You must have a Minnesota marriage license and certificate not older than 6 months.
- You must bring a photo identification that:
- Has your full legal name
- Has your date of birth
- Is government issued
- Is not expired
- Is in English or is accompanied by a translation into English
Examples of approved photo identification
- US or international passport or passport card
- State ID or driver's license from a US state or territory
- Consular identification document from any jurisdiction
- Minnesota or other Tribal Identification Card with security features
- Identification card issued by the U.S. Department of Defense like a DD-1173
You can apply for your marriage license on the same day as your ceremony, but it must be a separate appointment. Marriage license information.
Ceremony fee
$45 - non-refundable.
Before the ceremony
- Schedule an appointment.
- Make sure your marriage license and certificate are accurate and not expired.
You can apply for your marriage license on the same day as your ceremony, but it must be a separate appointment. Marriage license information. - Arrange for 2 witnesses 16 years or older to come to the ceremony with you.
During the ceremony
Bring your marriage license, marriage certificate, fee, witnesses and your photo identification.
- Our staff perform the ceremony at the counter.
- Guests should be kept to a minimum.
- Translation services can be requested. Family members aren’t allowed to translate.
- No confetti, bubbles, balloons, rice, sparklers, or other similar items may be released/used in the building.
- Staff will read the civil ceremony script.
After the ceremony
You leave as a married couple.
- Your marriage certificate will be submitted for filing.
- We will return your certified marriage certificate once it's been recorded.
- An error on the certificate can be fixed by correcting marriage record information.