Mortgage registry and deed tax calculator
Mortgage registry tax (MRT)
MRT is paid when recording a mortgage. The rate is 0.0023 of the mortgage amount.
Hennepin County adds an additional .0001 for an environmental response fund (ERF) per Minnesota Statute 383B.80.
Example calculation
($100,000 X 0.0023) + ($100,000 X 0.0001) = $240 MRT and ERF
Additional information
- To claim an exemption from MRT or to document the basis of your tax, use the state's MRT1 form.
State deed tax (SDT)
SDT is paid when recording an instrument conveying Minnesota real property. The rate is 0.0033 of the purchase price.
SDT for deeds with consideration of $3,000 or less is $1.70.
Hennepin County adds an additional .0001 for an environmental response fund (ERF) per Minnesota Statute 383B.80.
Example calculation
($100,000 X 0.0033) + ($100,000 X 0.001) = $340 MRT and ERF
Additional information
- To claim an exemption or the minimum tax, use the state's DT1 form (PDF).
- Learn more about SDT at Department of Revenue SDT.
- eCRV – Electronic Certificates of Real Estate Value
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