This includes pavement (bituminous and concrete) and railroad crossings.
Franklin Avenue (CSAH 5)
- From Blaisdell Avenue to Chicago Avenue in Minneapolis
- From Lyndale Avenue (CSAH 22) to Blaisdell Avenue in Minneapolis
Visit the Franklin Avenue project page.
Minnetonka Boulevard (CSAH 5) from Trunk Highway 100 to France Avenue (CSAH 17) in St. Louis Park
Visit the Minnetonka Boulevard project page
Minnetonka Blvd (CSAH 5) from Xylon Ave to Vernon Ave in St. Louis Park
This is a reconstruction project along Minnetonka Boulevard (CSAH 5) from Xylon Ave to Vernon Ave in St. Louis Park. This project will include new pavement, curb, storm water utilities, sidewalk, ADA accommodations and traffic signals. Specific pedestrian crossing enhancements, bikeway accommodations, and streetscaping features will also be considered
Minnetonka Blvd (CSAH 5) from Chippewa Road to Aquila Avenue in Minnetonka and St. Louis Park
This is a reconstruction project along Minnetonka Boulevard (CSAH 5) from Chippewa Road to Aquila Avenue in the Cities of Minnetonka and St. Louis Park. This project will include new pavement, curb, storm water utilities, sidewalk, ADA accommodations and traffic signals. Specific complete and green streets strategies will also be considered through the design process.
Dayton River Road (CSAH 12) from 150 Feet North of Colburn Street to Linwood Forest Drive in the City of Champlin
This is a reconstruction project along Dayton River Road (CSAH 12) from 150' N of Colburn Street to Linwood Forest Drive in the City of Champlin. This project will include new pavement, curb, storm water utilities, ADA accommodations, and multi-use trail facility. Specific intersection treatments and streetscaping features will also be considered through the design process.
Dayton River Road (CSAH 12) from 300 Feet East of North Diamond Lake Road (CSAH 144) to Vicksburg Lane in the City of Dayton
This is a reconstruction project along Dayton River Rd (CSAH 12) from 300' E of N Diamond Lake Rd (CSAH 144) to Vicksburg Ln in the City of Dayton. This project is anticipated to upgrade the existing roadway to a suburban design that includes new pavement, curb, storm water utilities and off-road facilities. Specific complete and green streets strategies to improve pedestrian crossing experiences and manage vehicle speeds will be explored as part of the project development process.
Gleason Rd (CSAH 15) from TH 12 Ramps to Vicksburg Lane in Minnetonka and Wayzata
This is a reconstruction project along Gleason Lake Rd (CSAH 15) from the TH 12 Ramps to Vicksburg Ln in Minnetonka and Wayzata. This project will include new pavement, curb, storm water utilities, sidewalk, and ADA accommodations. Specific pedestrian crossing enhancements, bikeway accommodations, and streetscaping features will also be considered part of the project.
Shoreline Drive (CSAH 15) from 650 Feet East of Woodhill Road to 1350 Feet East of Woodhill Road and Bridge #27565 over the BNSF Railroad in Wayzata and Orono
This is a project along Shoreline Drive (CSAH 15) which will reconstruct from 650' E of Woodhill Road to 1350' E of Woodhill Road and preserve Bridge #27565 over the BNSF Railroad in the Cities of Wayzata and Orono. The future roadway and bridge improvements will be determined as part of the project development process based on community engagement, data analysis, and environmental review, but are expected to address the variable settlement along the roadway corridor along with preservation of the bridge deck over the BNSF Railroad.
Lyndale Avenue (CSAH 22) from Bridge #27243 over HCRRA to Franklin Avenue (CSAH 5) in Minneapolis
Visit the Lyndale Avenue project page
Marshall Street NE (CSAH 23) from 3rd Avenue NE to Lowry Avenue (CSAH 153) in Minneapolis
This is a multimodal project along Marshall Street NE (CSAH 23) from 3rd Avenue NE to CSAH 153 (Lowry Avenue) in the City of Minneapolis. The proposed project will improve the accessibility, mobility, and safety of people walking through the construction of a protected bikeway and corresponding boulevard and sidewalk improvements along the west side of the roadway. In addition, the project is anticipated to reconstruct existing pedestrian facilities, introduce pedestrian crossing enhancements, install of pedestrian lighting, and upgrade ADA accommodations.
Marshall Street NE (CSAH 23) from Lowry Avenue NE (CSAH 153) to St. Anthony Parkway in Minneapolis
This is a reconstruction project along Marshall St NE (CSAH 23) from Lowry Avenue NE (CSAH 153) to St. Anthony Parkway. This project will include new pavement, curb, storm water utilities, sidewalk, ADA accommodations and traffic signals. Specific pedestrian crossing enhancements, bikeway accommodations, and streetscaping features will also be considered through the design process.
93rd Avenue (CSAH 30) from Wellington Lane to N Oaks Drive in Brooklyn Park, Maple Grove, and Osseo
This is a reconstruction project along 93rd Avenue (CSAH 30) from Wellington Lane to N Oaks Drive in the Cities of Brooklyn Park, Maple Grove, and Osseo. This project will include new pavement, curb, storm water utilities, sidewalk, ADA accommodations and traffic signals. Specific pedestrian crossing enhancements, bikeway accommodations, and streetscaping features will also be considered through the design process.
Penn Avenue (CSAH 32) from 125 Feet South of 75th Street to the Trunk Highway 62 Eastbound Ramps in Richfield
This is a reconstruction project along Penn Avenue (CSAH 32) from 125' south of 75th Street to the TH 62 EB Ramps in the City of Richfield. It is anticipated that the project will include the replacement of deteriorated pavement, traffic signals, curb, and storm sewer structures. Specific safety improvements include the installation of curb extensions and raised medians to calm traffic and improve the experience for people crossing.
Sunset Drive (CSAH 51) from Shoreline Drive to Shadywood Road (CSAH 19) in Spring Park
Visit the Sunset Drive project page
Nicollet Avenue (CSAH 52)
From 89th Street to American Boulevard in Bloomington
Visit the Nicollet Avenue Bloomington project page
From 77th Street to 66th Street in Richfield
Visit the Nicollet Ave Richfield project page
Cedar Ave (CSAH 152) from 150 Feet North of Lake Street (CSAH 3) to 24th Street in Minneapolis
Visit the Cedar Avenue project page
Cedar Ave (CSAH 152) from 50 Feet North of 42nd Street (CSAH 42) to 50 Feet South of Lake Street (CSAH 3) in Minneapolis
This is a reconstruction project along Cedar Avenue (CSAH 152) from approximately 50 ft north of 42nd Street (CSAH 42) to approximately 50 ft south of Lake Street (CSAH 3) in the City of Minneapolis. This project will include new pavement, curb, storm water utilities, sidewalk, ADA accommodations, and traffic signals. It is anticipate that proven traffic calming strategies (such as raised medians, curb extensions, and streetscaping) will be introduced to improve the crossing experiences for people walking and to manage vehicle speeds.
Lowry Avenue NE (CSAH 153) in Minneapolis
- From Washington Street NE to Johnson Street NE
- From Marshall Street NE to Washington Street NE in Minneapolis
Visit the Lowry Avenue project page
Lowry Avenue NE (CSAH 153) and Kenzie Terrace from Johnson St NE to St. Anthony Pkwy in Minneapolis
This is a reconstruction project along Lowry Ave NE and Kenzie Terrace (CSAH 153) from Johnson St NE to Saint Anthony Pkwy in Minneapolis and St. Anthony. This project will include new pavement, curb, storm water utilities, sidewalk, ADA accommodations and traffic signals. Further investigation will take place as part of the design process for complete streets elements such as pedestrian crossing enhancements and streetscaping elements.
City-led reconstruction project along Excelsior Boulevard (CSAH 3) in Minnetonka
This is a participation project in the City of Minnetonka’s roadway reconstruction project along Excelsior Boulevard (CSAH 3) from Spring Lane to Williston Road.
Visit the Excelsior Boulevard project page
City-led reconstruction project along Humboldt Avenue (CSAH 57) in Brooklyn Center
This is a participation project in the reconstruction of Humboldt Avenue (CSAH 57) from 53rd Avenue to 57th Avenue in Brooklyn Center. It is anticipated that the project would upgrade the corridor to better serve its users, and include elements such as new pavement, curb and gutter, and upgraded ADA accommodations.
City led participation project of Fletcher Lane (CSAH 116) from Territorial Road (CR 159) to County Road 81 in Rogers
This is a participation project with the City of Rogers to construct a new alignment for Fletcher Lane (CSAH 116) from Territorial Road (CR 159) to County Road 81 (CSAH 81). This project is also known as the Fletcher Bypass project.
MnDOT led participation project along Hennepin Avenue (CSAH 52) in Minneapolis
This is a participation project that will be led by MnDOT in coordination with their Trunk Highway 280 project. The project limits are Hennepin Avenue (CSAH 52) from Industrial Boulevard to 33rd Avenue in the City of Minneapolis. It is anticipated that this project will include pavement reconstruction; a 4 to 3 lane conversion; traffic signal, railroad crossing surface, and railroad signal replacement at Industrial Boulevard; and, the construction of a multi-use trail as part of the Grand Rounds Missing Link.
City led participation project to realign CSAH 73 from Sunset Trail to Luce Line Trail in Plymouth
Visit the Station 73 TRIP project page
MnDOT's expansion project at 85th Avenue (TH 252) in Brooklyn Park
Construct interchange at the intersection of 85th Avenue (CSAH 109) and TH 252 in Brooklyn Park. This project is tied to the overall TH 252 Corridors of Commerce Project.
MnDOT's interchange project at Lake Street (CSAH 3) and Hiawatha Avenue (TH 55) in Minneapolis
Visit the Lake Street project page
MnDOT's I-494 Corridors of Commerce project in Bloomington, Eden Prairie, Edina and Richfield
Visit the I-494 Corridors of Commerce project page.
Maple Grove's Rush Creek Boulevard construction project
Visit the Rush Creek Boulevard Project page.
Pavement Rehabilitation Program
Provide funding for pavement rehabilitation projects that will extend a roadway's useful life by approximately 20 years. In addition to pavement improvements, the proposed project will include ADA, drainage, and safety improvements to promote accessibility and mobility for multimodal users traveling along and across county roadways.
McGinty Road – CSAH 16 from Locust Hills Drive to I-494 SB ramps
This is a pavement rehabilitation project along McGinty Road (County Road 16) from Locust Hills Drive to the I-494 SB ramps in Minnetonka.
Brockton Lane – CSAH 13 from 1,000 Feet North of County Road 81 (CSAH 81) to Dayton River Road (CSAH 12) in Dayton and Rogers
This is a pavement rehabilitation project along Brockton Lane (CSAH 13) from 1,000 Feet North of County Road 81 (CSAH 81) to Dayton River Road (CSAH 12) in Dayton and Rogers.
Woodland Trail – CSAH 10 from Rebecca Park Trail (CSAH 50) to 700 Feet Wes of County Road 19 (CSAH 19)
This is a pavement rehabilitation project along Woodland Trail (CSAH 10) from Rebecca Park Trail (CSAH 50) to 700 Feet Wes of County Road 19 (CSAH 19) in Independence, Rockford, and Greenfield.
Baker Park Road – CSAH 19 from TH 12 to TH 55 in the city of Maple Plain, Loretto, Medina, and Independence
This is a rehabilitation project along Baker Park Road (CSAH 19) from TH 12 to TH 55. It is anticipated that this project will include pavement preservation activities along with ADA, drainage, multimodal improvements as feasible.
County Road 92 – From Watertown Road (CSAH 6) east junction to approximately 1/2 mile south of TH 12 and from approximately 1/4 mile north of Trunk Highway 12 to Rebecca Park Trail (CSAH 50)
This is a pavement rehabilitation project along County Road 92 from Watertown Road (County Road 6) east junction to approximately one-half mile south of Trunk Highway 12 and from approximately one-quarter mile north of Trunk Highway 12 to Rebecca Park Trail (County Road 50) in Greenfield and Independence
Pioneer Trail – CSAH 123 from Woodland Trial (CSAH 10) to 190 Ave (CSAH 19)
This is a pavement rehabilitation project along Pioneer Trail (County Road 123) from Woodland Trail (County Road 10) to 109th Avenue (County Road 19) in Greenfield.