Thank you for your interest in the adult foster care at Hennepin County. Licenses fall into two categories.
Corporate adult foster care providers
The State of Minnesota has a moratorium on new corporate adult foster care facilities, and has capped the number of homes allowed. Counties cannot grant licenses for corporate applicants unless those providers plan to serve specific clients who meet certain criteria.
You can find information on the moratorium exception process and exception-eligible client development. Learn more about the moratorium and related processes.
The county has no information about when the state will lift the moratorium. It would require new action by the state legislature. Occasionally, the county will issue a request for interest for providing corporate adult foster care. These are usually posted on the county's contracting page.
Family adult foster care providers
In family adult foster care, the license applicant opens the home where they reside to an adult with special needs. The county currently has a waiting list for new family adult foster care providers. To receive an application and be placed on the waiting list, potential providers must attend an orientation session. Information and registration for an orientation session may be obtained by contacting
If you currently meet any of the following criteria, county licensors will meet with you individually and provide you with an application:
- If you have an existing adult foster care license in another county and plan to move with your residents to Hennepin County
- If you are taking over the duties of an existing Hennepin County provider who is retiring
- If a child in foster care is aging out and the child/guardian choose to remain in your home, which requires you to become licensed for adult foster care
Operating an adult foster care home involves regulation and attention to business detail that require time and organization. Requirements include learning and following laws, rules and policies, and completing forms. County licensing staff work with you in the licensing process, but the license itself is issued by the State of Minnesota. County licensing staff can help you understand state licensing requirements but it is ultimately your responsibility to operate your home in compliance with the rules of your license.
Licensing requirements
- The home must be in Hennepin County.
- The applicant must be at least 18 to live in the home.
- The applicant must pay for a fire marshal inspection and pass the inspection. Your licensor prepares the request form.
- If renting, the applicant must get permission from the landlord to have a fire inspection. The landlord must make any fire safety-related corrections at their own expense, including to any adjoining units in a multi-unit dwelling. Licensors have the form needed to document landlord permission for the fire marshal.
- The applicant must pay for a criminal background check for themselves, every household member 13 and older and all substitute caregivers they intend to use. Everyone must pass the background check.
- All household members must cooperate with a social history interview and submit a written autobiography.
- Provide three references from non-relatives.
- No more than four foster residents can be admitted; five are allowed if they’re all elderly residents over 55, none of whom have a primary diagnosis of mental illness or development delay.
- Have bedroom space for each resident. Single occupancy bedrooms must have at least 80 square feet of floor space with a 7 ½ foot ceiling. Double occupancy rooms must have at least 120 square feet of floor space with a 7 ½ foot ceiling. Expecting foster residents to share a bedroom might severely limit the number of people interested in your home.
- Complete a site visit and home study with a county licensor.
- Complete at least three hours of orientation including training in vulnerable adult law.
- Agree to abide by state laws and county policies regulating adult foster care including accepting placements only through a county licensor.
How providers are paid
All providers receive base payment for the room, board and supervision they provide residents. Providers receive additional payment for other services they provide each resident (often referred to as the difficulty of care rate). Providers can also receive payment from the residents themselves, when residents receive earned income or public assistance. Residents can keep a personal needs allowance, and the rest goes to the cost of their care.
As of July 1, 2015, the base rate is $891/month. The maximum supplemental rate set by the state is $482.84.
Some adult foster care providers can receive payments for specific services through waivered services programs instead of the supplemental rate. If you intend to serve disabled persons under 55 who are on a waiver, you would apply to the Minnesota Department of Human Services for a Home and Community-Based Services (also known as HCBS or 245D) program license. There is a fee for this license set by the state. If you intend to serve vulnerable adults over 55, you would enroll as a provider to accept elderly waiver supplemental funding through the Minnesota Department of Health.
After you're licensed
Providers maintain their license by working with the county to:
- Maintain safety and certain physical conditions in the home.
- Complete required paperwork.
- Cooperate in making sure residents are a good match for the home.
- As needed, ask for support and participate in problem-solving.
- Cooperate with investigations of alleged license violations.
- Follow and learn relevant rules and laws governing adult foster care services.
- Follow orders of the State of Minnesota, including orders for correcting license problems or violations.
- Learn and follow changes to adult foster care rules and procedures.
Licensing process
- If you believe you can meet the above criteria, contact the licensing intake at 612-348-2816.
- Receive basic information, an application, and some biographical information forms to complete and return.
- County licensing will contact the three references you have listed.
- Complete an intake interview with a county licensor in your home.
- Complete state background studies and receive clearance letters (there is a cost for this)
- Have an inspection by a fire marshal in your home (approximately $50).
- Complete the writing of required policies and procedures for your home.
- Complete a three-hour orientation.
- County licensing staff makes a recommendation to the state whether to issue a license.
- The state makes the final licensing decision.
- Licenses are generally issued for two year periods, after the first year of licensing.
The application process generally takes four to six months.