A select is a drop-down menu that lets a user choose one option from a list of multiple items. You can use a select instead of a radio button when you have limited space. Include no more than 7 to 15 items within the select.
Use selects with caution. They can create usability and accessibility issues.

When to use
- Use a select only if you can’t use a radio or checkbox component. Selects have accessibility and usability issues.
- Selects are a better option than a radio button component if a user must choose one option from a list of 7 or more items.
- Use a select when you have limited space.
When not to use
- When your menu has fewer than 7 options, don’t use a select. Instead, use a radio button component. For more information, visit the Radio button component.
- When a user can choose more than one option, don’t use a select. Multiselects can confuse users and cause usability issues. Instead, use a checkbox component. For more information on checkboxes, visit the Checkbox component.
Include a label. It tells users the purpose of the list.
Don't use conditional logic. Using a previous question to determine the options within a select can be confusing. It can also confuse users when the answer they give in a select determines the follow-up question. Users may have a hard time understanding why their answer changed other options.
Selects have major accessibility problems. These include:
- Inability to close the select
- Confusing focused items with selected items
- Trying to pinch-zoom select options on a mobile device
- Organize items within the select either in alphabetical order or by popularity.
- Make sure the select is responsive to different devices.
- Test select menus with your users to ensure they can understand and use it.