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Hennepin County Design System

A to Z word list

A - M

A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M   


a lot

Two words; not alot.


Discrimination or prejudice against people with disabilities. It includes stereotypes, generalizations, and demeaning views and language.


Generally, avoid using unless you are sure your audience understands and expects them. When using acronyms, use all caps, no spaces, and do not include periods (For example: CPR, USA, SUV). For plural acronyms, do not include an apostrophe (PACs, SUVs).

academic degrees

See entries for bachelor's degreemaster's degree, and Ph.D.

accept (v.), except (adj.)

Accept means to receive or agree with. Except means apart from or to exclude.


Visit Capitalization, numbers, and punctuation.


Lowercase, with no space after first period. Include a space between the number and a.m. (9 a.m.).

add-on (n., adj.), add on (v.)

Note hyphen when used as a noun or adjective. Two words when used as a verb. Examples:

  • Noun: Add-ons cost an additional $10.
  • Verb: To add on more features, you will be charged an additional $10.

affect, effect

Affect is normally used as a verb, meaning to influence (Taxes affect spending.) or to make a show of or pretend (She affected cheerfulness to hide her concern.). Effect is most often used as a noun, meaning result (His warning had no effect.). As a verb, effect means to bring about or accomplish (We can effect change only through compromise.).

African American

Two words, no hyphen. Acceptable for an American Black person of African descent. Black may also be used. If you are writing for a specific community, use the term they prefer. If describing someone from Africa, use the terms African-born or African immigrant.


Note hyphen and lowercase second word.

African immigrant 

Note lowercase second word.

ampersand symbol

Avoid unless part of branded logo. Use and instead.

all right

Two words; not alright. Hyphenate when it precedes the word it modifies. Examples:

  • Do you feel all right?
  • It was an all-right day — not great, but not bad, either.

allusion, illusion

Allusion is an indirect or casual reference to something. Illusion is an unreal or false impression of reality.

American Indian

Two words, no hyphen with both words capitalized. Follow audience or the subject’s preference, which may be to use the specific nation (such as Lakota Sioux or Navajo). Do not use this term when referring to the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community. Instead use the full name of the nation, Native or Native American.


Used to describe people from Asia. Avoid using Asian as shorthand for Asian American when possible. 

Asian Pacific Islander

Do not use this term unless referring to Pacific Islanders of Asian descent. The term Pacific Islander describes the Indigenous people of the Pacific Islands and should be used for people who are ethnically Pacific Islander, not for those who happen to live in Pacific Islands. Do not describe Pacific Islanders as Asian Americans, Asians or of Asian descent.

Asian American

Two words, no hyphen. Acceptable for an American of Asian descent. When possible, refer to a person’s country of origin or follow the person’s preference. 


baby boom / baby boomer

Note lowercase.

bachelor's degree

Do not abbreviate academic degrees in text. Use lowercase with an apostrophe. If writing the formal title of a particular degree, capitalize and remove the apostrophe (Bachelor of Arts in History). When abbreviations are used, capitalize and use periods (B.A.).

backup (n., adj.), back up (v.)

One word when used as a noun or an adjective. Two words when used as a verb. Examples:

  • Noun and adjective: When the backup is complete, you’ll see a list of all backup files.
  • Verb: We automatically back up our website.

biannual(ly), bimonthly, biweekly

Don’t use any of these words. They can mean either every other year, month, or week, or twice a year, month, or week. Instead, use the longer but unambiguous every two yearsmonths, or weeks, or twice a yearmonth, or week.


Acronym, which stands for Black, Indigenous and people of color. Avoid using in most instances unless your audience is familiar with the term and prefers it to alternatives. No prominent style guide or dictionary currently recommends using the acronym or phrase. The term is:

  • Not widely understood – While regularly used on social media, it is not yet a well-known term to most English speakers.
  • Not specific enough:
    • While BIPOC can be valuable as a way of thinking about the traumatic histories and experiences of Black and Indigenous people in the U.S., it also blurs the differences between the two groups.
    • It lumps a wide diversity of people into a generic people of color category. Most of us want to be named and recognized, not amalgamated into a broad group.

Instead, use specific language when referring to specific groups of people or situations. For example:

  • Funding is available for Black, Asian, Latino/x, and Native American businesses.
  • Black men and women experience a significantly higher rate of police use of force.
  • The county is increasing funding for communities that have been underrepresented in government contracting.
  • These programs are designed for people and communities experiencing racism.


Capitalize when used as an adjective in a racial, ethnic or cultural sense (such as Black people, Black culture, Black literature). African American may also be used when it is certain that the person is American. If you are writing for a specific community, use the term they prefer.


Preferred to weblog. Can be used as a noun, adjective or verb.


calendar months

Always spell-out months, even in titles. Do not use abbreviations.


Use instead of can not whether used as adjective, adverb or noun.

capital, capitol

Capital means wealth or assets, or a city that serves as the seat of government or specific activity. It can also mean uppercase letters. Capitol refers to specific government buildings (At the state capitol, legislators discussed capital punishment and the naming of a new capital city.).


Avoid as a synonym for White

cellphone / cell phone

Both the one-word and two-word options are now considered correct.

chair, chairperson

Use these gender-neutral terms rather than chairman or chairwoman.

checkout (n., adj.), check out (v.)

One word when used as a noun or an adjective. Two words when used as a verb. Examples:

  • Noun: You enter this information during checkout.
  • Adjective: The checkout process is quick and efficient.
  • Verb: You’ll find that you can check out quickly and efficiently.


People whose gender identity matches the sex they were assigned at birth.


In most cases, avoid using this term as a general description of residents because it implies legal status.


Lowercase in most instances (the city), but capitalize when referring to the official name of a particular city (City of Minnetonka).

  • cities is always lowercase (cities of Minnetonka, Edina and Minneapolis).


No hyphen.

cleanup (n., adj.); clean up (v.)

One word when used as a noun or an adjective. Two words when used as a verb. Examples:

  • Noun: The fall cleanup will take place on October 17.
  • Adjective: The cleanup project should take about an hour.
  • Verb: Make sure to clean up the room after meetings.


Generally, use a hyphen between this prefix and a root word unless the word is in the dictionary (cooperation, coordinate, coworker). Always use a hyphen when the resulting word denotes a shared occupation or status (co-creator).

complement, compliment 

Complement means to complete something (The tie complements the suit.). Compliment means to give praise.

comprise, compose

While many people get this wrong, comprise means to contain (The house comprises seven rooms). With comprise, the word comes before the contained items (seven rooms), and you generally should not use is comprised ofCompose means to put together or make up (Many ethnic groups compose our nation). With compose, the items (ethnic groups) come before the word, and you can use is composed of. Another option is to rewrite using made up of (The group is made up of participants from various local community agencies.).

continual, continuous

Continual means often repeated, but occasionally interrupted. Continuous means uninterrupted.


A family of viruses, some of which cause disease in people and animals, named for the crownlike spikes on their surfaces. The term coronavirus is generally acceptable in references to the pandemic: coronavirus casescoronavirus testscoronavirus variants. Use the term COVID-19 when referring specifically to the disease: COVID-19 treatmentsCOVID-19 patientsCOVID-19 deathsrecovering from COVID-19.


Lowercase when used without Hennepin.


No hyphen.


Lowercase when referring generally to the court/s. Capitalize when referring to an official court (Fourth Judicial District Court).


Note hyphen. Stands for coronavirus disease 2019. When referring specifically to the virus, the COVID-19 virus and the virus that causes COVID-19 are acceptable. Do not shorten to COVID. because COVID-19 is the name of the disease, not the virus, it is not accurate to write a virus called COVID-19.


Abbreviation for Cascading Style Sheets. Abbreviation OK after first explanation.


days of the week

Capitalize (Monday, Friday) and do not use abbreviations.  For full detail, visit dates and days of the week

daylight saving time

Lowercase in all uses. Note singular saving, not savings.

decision maker

Two words, no hyphen.

decision making (n.), decision-making (adj.)

Two words when used as a noun, hyphenated when used as an adjective.

delta variant

Note lowercase.


Officers of the Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office.


Lowercase geographic directions (north, south, east, west, northeast, etc.).

disability / disabled

In general, refer to a disability only if relevant. If it is relevant, do not use the term disabled by itself as a noun (the disabled). Instead use a person-first phrase like persons with disabilities. However, disabled people are not monolithic, and use diverse terms to describe themselves. When possible, ask people how they want to be described. Be mindful that the question of identity-first vs. person-first language is vital for many.

discreet (adj.), discrete (adj.)

Discreet means to be thoughtful or reserved. Discrete means to be separate or distinct. To avoid confusion, you might want to consider using a synonym.


Note hyphen. Can be used as a noun, adjective or verb.



drop-down menu

Hyphenated when used as a noun or an adjective (drop-down menu).


e- (e-subscribe, e-seminar, e-gov, etc.)

Insert a hyphen between this prefix and root words. Do not capitalize "e" or the root word unless in a title. Never use lowercase "e" with capitalized root word.


Note lowercase. Do not capitalize descriptive words that indicate direction only (east Hennepin County).

effect, affect

Effect is most often used as a noun, meaning result (His warning had no effect.). As a verb, effect means to bring about or accomplish (We can effect change only through compromise.). Affect is normally used as a verb, meaning to influence (Taxes affect spending.) or to make a show of or pretend (She affected cheerfulness to hide her concern.). 


Abbreviation meaning for example. Note periods and lack of space after the first period. Include a comma after the last period. Be careful before using this abbreviation as many readers are not familiar with it. Instead, use "for example."


Avoid this term in most instances. Instead use older person or older adult.

Election Day

Note capitalization. Other election-related terms (For example: election, election results, precinct, primary, primary day, etc.) are lowercase.

elicit, illicit

Elicit means to draw out or provoke. Illicit means improper or not sanctioned by custom or law.


One word, no hyphen, lowercase. Plural: email messages and emails are both acceptable.


In most situations, this word is fine if somewhat overused. Some organizations are now recommending avoiding this term because an organization can't give or officially grant power to someone. Instead, they recommend using language that reflects people claiming their own power. However, empower also means "to enable or equip with an ability." This definition is generally fine, as is a sentence where the empowerment comes from a situation rather than an organization. For example, "Equitable employment opportunities can empower people to achieve long-term prosperity."

ensure, insure

Ensure means to guarantee or make certain. Insure refers to insurance.


The rapid spreading of disease in a certain population or region. COVID-19 transitioned from an epidemic to a pandemic.


Abbreviation for etcetera. Note lowercase and the period at the end.


Note capitalization.

equality, equity

Equity involves giving people what is fair and just so they can enjoy full, healthy lives. Equality, in contrast, aims to ensure that everyone gets the same things, regardless of where they start from.

except (adj.), accept (v.)

Except means apart from or to exclude. Accept means to receive or agree with.



Lowercase the season name. See also “seasons.”


Capitalize. Stands for frequently asked question and generally refers to a list of such questions.

farther, further

Farther applies to distance. Further means more or additional, but is not related to distance (We need further discussion on the topic.).


Note lowercase.

federal government

Note lowercase.

fewer, less

Fewer applies to countable items (We made fewer mistakes.). Less can refer to countable items, but typically refers to quantities that cannot be individually counted (If they made less noise, I could concentrate better.). However, most people are fine with less in some situations (10 items or less; Submissions must be 500 words or less.).


Use this term instead of fireman or firewoman.

first responder

Acceptable in general references to police, fire, medical, hazmat or other professionals who respond to emergencies.


Capitalize when referring to Adobe Flash multimedia technologies.

flow chart (n.), flow-chart (adj., v.)

Two words when used as a noun, hyphenated when used as an adjective or a verb.


This spelling is preferred over flier.


Note capitalization.


Abbreviation for File Transfer Protocol. Abbreviation is always OK. Verb usage is also OK (Please FTP that file if it’s larger than 3MB.).

full-time / full time

Include the hyphen when used as an adjective (full-time employee). Two words when used as a noun (They work full time).

function keys

Lowercase. Refers to the F1 through F12 keys on a keyboard.

further, farther

Further means more or additional, but is not related to distance (We need further discussion on the topic.). Farther applies to distance.


gender-inclusive language

Hennepin County strongly supports the use of language that is gender- and sex-inclusive. For more information, visit Writing tips.

gender nonconforming

Adjective describing people whose identities or expressions do not follow gender norms.

Generation X, Generation Xer, Gen Xer

All are acceptable. Note capitalization.

Generation Y, Gen Y, Gen Yer

All are acceptable. Note capitalization.

generative AI

Note lowercase in first word.


One word. The geographic location of an Internet-connected computer, or the process of determining that location.

geotagging (n.), geotag (v.)

One word. The verb means to add geographic data (such as longitude and latitude coordinates) to a photo or other media file.


Acronym for Graphic Interchange Format. Acronym is always OK. Plural: GIFs. All capitals. 


While you should generally avoid abbreviations, this one is the acceptable abbreviation for government when space is tight. Note period.


Abbreviation for global positioning system. Abbreviation is always OK.


health care (n.); health-care (adj.)

Two words (not healthcare) when used as a noun. Hyphenate when used as an adjective (health-care reform).


A person from, or whose ancestors were from, a Spanish-speaking land or culture. Latino, Latina or Latinx are sometimes preferred. Follow the person’s preference. Use a more specific identification when possible, such as Cuban, Puerto Rican or Mexican American.


Mention that a person is homeless only when relevant. In general, avoid using the term homeless person because it defines someone by their living situation. Instead, use person / people experiencing homelessness.


One word, lowercase.

homophone / homograph / homonym

Homophones are words that sound the same (e.g., rose and rows). Homographs are words that are spelled the same (e.g., I can eat a can of beans). Homonyms are words that both sound the same and are spelled the same (I signed the document with my pen, then retrieved my pet pig from its pen).


These respectful forms of address (the Honorable Jane Doe, the First Lady) may be used in ceremonial contexts and should be capitalized. However, avoid them in most other instances.


Note hyphen when used as a noun or an adjective. Examples:

  • Noun: How-tos include insider tips.
  • Adjective: Download the how-to guide. 


Abbreviation for Hypertext Markup Language. Abbreviation is always OK. All capitals and no periods.


The term is dated. Use link instead.


I, me, myself

I is a subject pronoun – it does something (I will drive to the meeting.). Me is an object pronoun – it has something done to it (Please let me know if you have any questions.). Myself is a reflexive pronoun; like a reflection – it is used when you refer to yourself a second time in the same sentence (I’m going to treat myself to a large doughnut.). In most cases, you won’t use myself; you’ll use me or I.

Other pronouns follow the same pattern:

  • She will drive to the meeting.
  • Please let her know if you have any questions.
  • She is going to treat herself to a large doughnut.

When there is more than one person listed in a sentence, it can seem complicated. The simple trick is to think about how you would write a sentence if there were only one person.

  • Please contact Jane, John, or me/myself/I with questions. (Please contact me with questions.)
  • Jane, John and me/myself/I are going to the conference. (I am going to the conference.)


Acronym for identification. All capitals, no periods, no space. Not Id or id. Other acceptable forms: IDsID’ed.


Abbreviation meaning that is or in other words. Note periods and lack of space after the first period. Include a comma after the last period. Be careful before using this abbreviation as many readers are not familiar with it. Instead, use "such as."

illicit, elicit

Illicit means improper or not sanctioned by custom or law. Elicit means to draw out or provoke.

illusion, allusion

Illusion is an unreal or false impression of reality. Allusion is an indirect or casual reference to something.


Acronym for instant message. All capitals, no periods, no space. Other acceptable forms: IMsIM’edIM’ing. Can be used as a noun, adjective or verb.

imply, infer

Imply means to suggest. Infer means to deduce from evidence. A writer / speaker implies, while a reader / listener infers.


In a social context, inclusion goes beyond numerical representation. It involves full participation and a true sense of belonging.


Note capitalization. Refers to original inhabitants of a place. Can be used in place of Native American and American Indian, or you can use the specific Nation (such as Lakota Sioux or Navajo).

info / information

Information is generally preferred, especially when communicating to public audiences which may have non-native English speakers.


Hyphenated when used as a noun or an adjective (in-line links).

institutional racism

Racial inequity within institutions and systems of power, such as places of employment, government agencies and social services.

insure, ensure

Insure refers to insurance. Ensure means to guarantee or make certain.

instant message (n.), instant-message (adj., v.)

Two words when used as a noun. Note hyphen when used as an adjective or a verb. See also “IM.” Examples:

  • Noun: She got an instant message from her boss.
  • Adjective: The instant-message conversation proved informative.
  • Verb: I’ll instant-message you when I arrive.


Note lowercase. OK to abbreviate as Net.

internet service provider

Note capitalization. OK to abbreviate as ISP.


Note lowercase.


Be careful using this abbreviation as it can stand for Internet Protocol or intellectual property.


Do not use; it is a double negative. Regardless is correct.


Abbreviation for internet service provider. Note capitalization. Plural: ISPs.

its versus it’s

Its is a possessive pronoun parallel to hishersyourstheirsIt’s is a contraction meaning it is.



Capitalize when referring to the programming language and related technologies.


One word. Note capitalization of the “J” and “S.”


Abbreviation for Joint Photographic Experts Group. Generally used to refer to any graphic image file produced by using the JPEG standard. Abbreviation is always OK. All capitals and no periods. Plural: JPEGs.


This is the preferred spelling, without an "e" after the "g."


Note capitalization. U.S. federal holiday celebrated on June 19, the traditional commemoration date of the emancipation of enslaved people in the United States.



Abbreviation for kilobyte. All capitals. Don’t include a space between a numeral and KB.


One word, lowercase when referring to terms that are used on a webpage to optimize it for search engines.


OK to abbreviate as KB. Must use abbreviation when referring to a file attachment on a webpage.



Acronym for local area network. Acronym OK to use after initial explanation. All capitals and no periods.

Latin American

Note capitalization. This gender-neutral term can be used in place of Latino or Latina. When possible, be more specific (Colombian, Mexican American, Puerto Rican, etc.).

Latino, Latina

Note capitalization. When possible, be more specific (Colombian, Mexican American, Puerto Rican, etc.). Current recommendation is to use these terms or Latin American rather than HispanicLatino refers to men; Latina refers to women. Plural: LatinosLatinas.

Latine, Latinx

Note capitalization. These gender-neutral terms are still unfamiliar to many people, but can be used in place of Latino or Latina if you are confident your audience is familiar with them. Do not use with materials that will be translated into Spanish, as the terms are not as common in Spanish-speaking countries.

lay, lie

Lay requires an object that is acted on (I will lay the book [the object] on the table.). The past tense of lay is laid (Last night I laid the book on the table.). Lie does not require an object (I'm going to lie down.). The past tense of lie is lay (Last night, I lay on the couch for a brief rest.). And yes, that's confusing.


Capitalize Minnesota Legislature and State Legislature (meaning a specific one, such as Minnesota’s). Lowercase when used to mean any legislature and in plural references. 

less, fewer

Less typically refers to quantities that cannot be individually counted (If they made less noise, I could concentrate better.), but is fine in certain situations with countable items (10 items or less). Fewer applies to countable items (We made fewer mistakes.).


Can be used as a noun, adjective or verb.


Acceptable in all references for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender; or lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning and / or queer. Acronyms OK to use without an explanation. For more information on gender- and sexually-inclusive language, visit Writing tips and the GLAAD Media Reference Guide.


Acceptable acronym for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning and / or queer with "+" added in recognition of all non-straight, non-cisgender identities. For more information on gender- and sexually-inclusive language, Visit Writing tips and the GLAAD Media Reference Guide.


Acceptable acronym for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning and / or queer, intersex and asexual and / or ally. For more information on gender- and sexually-inclusive language, Visit Writing tips and the GLAAD Media Reference Guide.

login (n., adj.); log in, log in to (v.)

One word when used as a noun or an adjective. Two words when used as a verb, which may be followed by the preposition to. Example:

  • Go to the login (adjective) screen and log in (verb).

logoff (n., adj.), log off (v.)

One word when used as a noun or adjective. Two words when used as a verb. See “login” for similar example.

logon (n., adj.); log on, log on to (v.)

One word when used as a noun or adjective. Two words when used as a verb, which may be followed by the preposition to. See “login” for similar example.

logout (n., adj.), log out (v.)

One word when used as a noun or adjective. Two words when used as a verb. See “login” for similar example.



Abbreviation for Macintosh. Abbreviation is always OK.


One word. Note lowercase.

mail carrier

Two words. Use this term instead of mailman.


Don’t use. Use staffworkforce, or other words instead.

master's degree

Do not abbreviate academic degrees in text. Use lowercase with an apostrophe. If writing the formal title of a particular degree (Master of Arts in English), then capitalize. When abbreviations are used, capitalize and use periods (M.A.).


Abbreviation for megabyte. All capitals and no periods. Don’t include a space between a numeral and MB.


Abbreviation for megabits per second. Note capitalization — especially the lowercase "b," which distinguishes this from MBps, a different measurement. Don’t include a space between the number and the abbreviation.


Abbreviation for megabytes per second. Note capitalization — especially uppercase "B," which distinguishes this from Mbps, a different measurement. Don’t include a space between the number and the abbreviation.

me, myself, I

I is a subject pronoun – it does something (I will drive to the meeting.). Me is an object pronoun – it has something done to it (Please let me know if you have any questions.). Myself is a reflexive pronoun; like a reflection – it is used when you refer to yourself a second time in the same sentence (I’m going to treat myself to a large doughnut.). In most cases, you won’t use myself; you’ll use me or I.

Other pronouns follow the same pattern:

  • She will drive to the meeting.
  • Please let her know if you have any questions.
  • She is going to treat herself to a large doughnut.

When there is more than one person listed in a sentence, it can seem complicated. The simple trick is to think about how you would write a sentence if there were only one person.

  • Please contact Jane, John, or me/myself/I with questions. (Please contact me with questions.)
  • Jane, John and me/myself/I are going to the conference. (I am going to the conference.)


Can be either singular or plural, depending on your intended meaning.

  • Singular verb when referring to a monolithic group — The media plays a key role in election campaigns.
  • Plural verb when referring to multiple outlets — Various media are covering the story differently: Print newspapers seem to be burying it, but TV stations and online sites are highlighting it.

message boards

Two words. Lowercase when used generically.


Use numerals with million. Don’t hyphenate the numeral and million, even before a noun (2.8 million, a $3 million budget, etc.). As part of a hyphenated compound, use a hyphen between the numeral and million (a 7-million-year-old fossil).


Do not abbreviate, unless it is part of a mailing address. Capitalize the “S” if using State of Minnesota.


Only use this term when describing a group that is smaller and different from a larger group, not as a generic term for non-whites. People / person of color is preferred.


The State of Minnesota health insurance marketplace. Note the lowercase "s."


Acceptable as a noun when it’s a shortened form of mobile phoneMobile phone is interchangeable with cell phone.


Note capitalization.


Always capitalize and spell-out each month. Do not use abbreviations.

mouseover (n.), mouse over (v.)

Do not use to describe the action of holding the mouse pointer over an area of the page. Use rollmovepass your mouse cursor over, or an equivalent phrase.


Abbreviation for MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3. All capitals, no spaces, no periods. Abbreviation is always OK. Plural: MP3s.


Acceptable, when clearly relevant, to describe people with more than one racial heritage. Usually more useful when describing large, diverse groups of people than individuals. Avoid mixed-race.

myself, me, I

I is a subject pronoun – it does something (“I will drive to the meeting.). Me is an object pronoun – it has something done to it (“Please let me know if you have any questions.”). Myself is a reflexive pronoun; like a reflection – it is used when you refer to yourself a second time in the same sentence (“I’m going to treat myself to a large doughnut.”). In most cases, you won’t use myself; you’ll use me or I.

Other pronouns follow the same pattern:

  • She will drive to the meeting.
  • Please let her know if you have any questions.
  • She is going to treat herself to a large doughnut.

When there is more than one person listed in a sentence, it can seem complicated. The simple trick is to think about how you would write a sentence if there were only one person.

  • Please contact Jane, John, or me/myself/I with questions. (Please contact me with questions.)
  • Jane, John and me/myself/I are going to the conference. (I am going to the conference.)

N - Z

N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z


Native American

Two words, no hyphen with both words capitalized. Follow audience or the subject’s preference, which may be to use the specific nation (such as Lakota Sioux or Navajo). In some instances, such as when working with the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community, you can use the term Native by itself.

nickel-metal hydride

Lowercase the written-out form of this battery type.


Acceptable abbreviation for nickel-metal hydride, a type of battery. Note capitalization and hyphen.


Generally, do not include hyphens unless the root word starts with a capital letter (noncommercial, nonfiction, nonprofit, non-Darwinian, etc.).


Term used by some people who experience their gender identity and / or gender expression as falling outside the categories of man and woman. For more information on gender- and sexually-inclusive language, visit Writing tips and the GLAAD Media Reference Guide.


Note lowercase. Do not capitalize descriptive words that indicate direction only (north Hennepin County).


Note lowercase. Do not capitalize descriptive words that indicate direction only (northeast Hennepin County).

North Minneapolis

Note capitalization when used for generally accepted names for areas.

Northeast Minneapolis

Note capitalization when used for generally accepted names for areas.



All capitals. Not okayOk, or ok.

older person, older people, older adult

These terms are preferred over elderly and senior citizen.

omicron variant

Note lowercase.


One word. Note lowercase.


One word. Note lowercase.

open source (n.), open-source (adj.)

Two words when used as a noun. Hyphenated when used as an adjective (e.g., open-source software).

opt-in (n., adj.), opt in (v.)

Hyphenated as a noun or an adjective. Two words as a verb. Examples:

  • Noun: The opt-in has been disabled.
  • Adjective: Read our opt-in policy.
  • Verb: To receive electronic statements, you must opt in.


Abbreviation for operating system. OK to abbreviate after initial explanation. Plural: OSes.


Pacific Islander

Two words, no hyphen. Refers to the native peoples of Polynesia (including Hawaii, Samoa, Tahiti, and Tonga), Micronesia (including Guam, the Northern Marianas, and Palau), and Melanesia (including Fiji and Papua New Guinea).


An epidemic that has spread worldwide.

part-time / part time

Include the hyphen when used as an adjective (part-time employee). Two words when used as a noun (They work part time).


One word.


Note hyphen in this verb (Be sure to password-protect sensitive files on the intranet.).


One word. Note capitalization of both “Ps.”


Abbreviation for personal computer. Abbreviation is OK as long as context is clear (abbreviation can also mean politically correct). Plural: PCs


Abbreviation for Portable Document Format. Used to refer to files created by using Adobe Acrobat. All capitals and no periods. Plural: PDFs.


Note hyphens.

people of color

The term is acceptable when necessary in broad references to multiple races other than white. However, in most instances use specific language when referring to specific groups of people or situations (Black Americans, Hmong Americans, etc.).


Use figures and the percent symbol (%) with no space between them (We had a 7% response rate.).

personal protective equipment

Note lowercase. Can use abbreviation PPE after first use.

person-centered language

For information on a strengths-based approach to word choice, visit Writing tips.


Note capitalization and periods.

physical distancing

Measures that reduce contact between groups of people. Use numerals when describing the distance required (For example: Maintain 6 feet / 2 meters of physical distance.).


Abbreviation for personal identification number. All capitals and no periods. Not PIN number.

plug-in (n., adj.), plug in (v.)

Note hyphen when used as a noun or adjective (Downloading the plug-in (noun) will allow users to access additional content.).


Lowercase, no space. Include a space between the number and p.m.


One word, lowercase.

police officer

Use this term instead of policeman or policewoman. When referring to a Hennepin County employee, use the term deputy.

pop-up (n., adj.), pop up (v.)

Note hyphen when used as a noun or adjective. Two words when used as a verb. Never popup. Example:

  • Get rid of pop-ups (noun) before they pop up (verb).


Generally, close up this prefix with root words unless the root word starts with a capital letter. If it does, insert a hyphen (postgame, posttrial, postproduction, post-Victorian, etc.).

postal worker

Use this term instead of postman or postwoman.


Abbreviation of personal protective equipment. Abbreviation OK after first explanation of what it stands for.


Generally, close up this prefix with root words unless the root word starts with an or a capital letter. If it does, insert a hyphen. (pre-enrollment, preproduction, pre-MP3, etc.).

preventive, preventative

Preventive is the original and preferred adjectival form of the verb, preventPreventative means the same thing and is a less accepted form. When using as an adjective, use preventive (preventive medicine).

principal, principle

Principal is a person or thing that has the highest authority or importance (The school principal talked about the principal reason for the meeting.). Principle means a fundamental truth, doctrine, or policy (It's important to stick to our principles.).

printout (n.), print out (v.)

One word when used as a noun. Two words when used as a verb. Example:

  • I’ll print out (verb) a copy of the article and mark my edits on the printout (noun).


The third person personal pronouns that a person goes by (a few of the many examples include: she/her/hers, he/him/his, they/them/theirs, and ze/zir/zirs). If you aren't clear which pronoun a person uses, it's OK and often advised to ask them. Don’t make assumptions about a person’s gender identity based on their pronouns, or vice versa. Don’t assume a person’s pronouns based on their first name. Finally, They as a singular pronoun may be confusing to some readers, but it more accurately describes and represents a person who uses that pronoun.


Hyphenated when used as a noun or an adjective (pull-down menu).



Abbreviation for question and answer. All capitals, no spaces. Note ampersand. 



Categorization of humans largely based on physically-observable features, such a skin color and ancestry. For recommendations on how to write about race, visit Writing tips.


Both individual beliefs and a complex system of racial hierarchies and inequities.

  • Individual racism — Personal belief that different races have different traits and capacities and that those differences produce an inherent superiority of one race over another or racial discrimination or feelings of hatred or bigotry toward people of another race.
  • Systemic (institutional, structural) racism — Social, economic, and political systems and cultures that contribute to racial inequality in areas such as employment, health care, housing, the criminal justice system and education.


Abbreviation for random access memory. Abbreviation is always OK. All capitals and no periods.


Generally, close up this prefix with root words unless the root word starts with an e or a capital letter. If it does, insert a hyphen. Exceptions: re-create, re-cover, and re-sent (to avoid confusion with recreate, recover, and resent).


Note hyphen.


Acronym for Really Simple Syndication. All capitals and no periods. Abbreviation is always OK, but avoid using RSS on its own, since many people don’t know what it means. Use news feedRSS news feed, or RSS newsreader as appropriate.



Note capitalization.

screen reader

An assistive technology (typically software) that vision-impaired people can use to hear the words on a webpage.


Lowercase the names of seasons and derivatives (springtime, wintertime, etc.). Do not include a comma between a season name and a year (The county email system launched in fall 1990.).


Avoid this usage. Use gender-neutral language instead.


Hyphenate this prefix (self-employed, self-esteem, etc.).

senior citizen

Avoid this term in most instances. Instead use older person or older adult.

sexual orientation

Use this term, not sexual preference.


Only the elected Hennepin County Sheriff is referred to as sheriff. Other officers are referred to as deputy / deputies. The term sheriff is only capitalized when used as a formal job title immediately preceding the name of the current county sheriff.

(n., adj.); sign in, sign in to (v.)

As a noun or an adjective, it’s hyphenated. As a verb, it’s two words, which may be followed by the preposition to. Examples:

  • Noun: Choose your preferences for sign-in and security.
  • Adjective: All visitors must use the sign-in page.
  • Verb: Visitors can sign in to their email account automatically.

sign-out (n., adj.); sign out, sign out of (v.)

As a noun or an adjective, it’s hyphenated. As a verb, it’s two words, which may be followed by the preposition of. For similar examples, see sign-in.

sign-up (n., adj.), sign up (v.)

Hyphenate when used as a noun or an adjective. Two words when used as a verb. Examples:

  • Noun: Sign-up is free.
  • Adjective: Fill in the sign-up form.
  • Verb: Sign up for the service.

SIM card

SIM stands for subscriber identity module, a card used in cell phones. Abbreviation is always OK. Note capitalization and no periods.

site map

Two words.


One word.

smart card

Two words.


One word.


Abbreviation for short message service, used for text messaging. Abbreviation OK to use after initial explanation. No capitalization and no periods.


One word.

social distancing

This term for measures that reduce contact between people can be confusing. Instead, use phrases like, "keep 6 feet apart," or "physical distancing" instead.

Social Security number

Note capitalization. Can also use SSN.


Acronym for sexual orientation and gender identity. Avoid using the acronym unless you are sure your audience recognizes the term.


Note lowercase. Do not capitalize descriptive words that indicate direction only (south Hennepin County).


Note lowercase. Do not capitalize descriptive words that indicate direction only (southeast Hennepin County).


Note lowercase. Do not capitalize descriptive words that indicate direction only (southwest Hennepin County).


One word.

spell-checker, spell-check

Note hyphen.


Use this term instead of spokesman or spokeswoman.

spring, springtime

Lowercase the season name.


Abbreviation for Social Security number. Do not use SSN number.


One who has a share or an interest; someone involved in or affected by a course of action. Be aware that there have been postings on social media claiming that stakeholder was used to define the taking of land by American settlers and the government during westward expansion in the 1800s. However, there is no linguistic record of it ever being used in American or British English to describe the taking of land. If you are concerned that your audience might be offended by stakeholder, you can use an alternative. For example:

  • Use a descriptive phrase like, “those with interest in or are affected by your program”
  • Use a specific list of the people involved, such as commissionersponsorspartners, etc.


Lowercase in most instances (the state), but capitalize when referring to the official name of a particular state (State of Minnesota).

  • states is always lowercase (states of Minnesota, Iowa and Wisconsin).


No hyphen.

structural racism

Social, economic, and political systems and cultures that contribute to racial inequality in areas such as employment, health care, housing, the criminal justice system and education.

style sheet

Two words, lowercase.


Generally, close up this prefix with root words unless the root word starts with a capital letter (subheader, subcategory, etc.). If it does, insert a hyphen.

summer, summertime

Lowercase the season name.


Note capitalization.



Acceptable short form of text message. Plural: texts. Other forms: textedtexting.

text message (n.), text-message (adj., v.)

Two words when used as a noun. Note hyphen when used as an adjective or a verb. Examples:

  • Noun: Did you get my text message?
  • Adjective: She had a heated text-message argument with her boyfriend.
  • Verb: I’ll text-message you with the details.

than, then

Than is used for comparisons (Some education is better than none at all.). Then is used to note time or a sequence of events (I wrote the text, then edited it.).

that, which

Use that before restrictive clauses — the part of a sentence that you can't get rid of because it specifically restricts some other part of the sentence (The phone that has a cracked screen needs to be fixed). Use which if what follows could be deleted without changing the meaning of the sentence (Cell phones, which can be expensive, function like mini computers). Which often comes after a comma. 

their, there, they're

Their means belonging to them (Where is their car?). There signifies a place (Let's visit there.). They're is a contraction of they are.

they / their

In addition to plural, they and their can also be used as a singular, gender-neutral pronoun (The client should be told at the outset how much they will be required to pay.). This usage of they has a long history, first noted in 1375. However, because this use of they can be confusing for some readers, you might want to rewrite your sentence to make the pronoun match the subject (Customers should save their receipts.).

thumb drive

Two words, lowercase.


Note capitalization.


Lowercase with periods and no spaces (a.m., p.m.). Do not include ":00" for on-the-hour times, even in ranges (Services are available between 8 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.).
Use noon and midnight rather than 12 a.m. or p.m.

to (v.), too (adv.), two

To often precedes a noun and means toward or against (He went to the store. She pressed her face to the glass.). It also can be combined with a verb to form an infinitive (I need to write.). Too means also and in excess (I too had too many tacos for lunch.). Two signifies the number 2.


Lowercase when used generically. 


Umbrella term for people whose gender identity and / or gender expression differs from the sex they were assigned at birth. For more information on gender- and sexually-inclusive language, visit Writing tips and the GLAAD Media Reference Guide.


Note capitalization.

Twin Cities

Note capitalization.



All capitals and no periods. Abbreviation for user interface. Generally avoid unless communicating to an audience familiar with the term.

upper-left corner

Note hyphen. Not upper-left-hand corner.

upper-right corner

Note hyphen. Not upper-right-hand corner.

up-to-date / up to date

Hyphenate as a compound modifier before a noun (Our website has the most up-to-date information.). Otherwise, no hyphen (My calendar is up to date.).


All capitals and no periods. Plural: URLs.


Acceptable abbreviation for United States. Note periods and no space. Not US or U. S.


Acceptable abbreviation for United States of America.


Abbreviation for Universal Serial Bus. Abbreviation is always OK. All capitals and no periods. 


Because of the techie, impersonal nature of this term, consider using membersubscribercustomerreadervisitor, or similar.


One word, lowercase.


vaccine; vaccination

A vaccine is a product that stimulates the body’s immune system to make antibodies and provide immunity against a specific virus or other germ. Vaccination is the act of giving a vaccine. Do not refer to a vaccine as a drug, medicine or serum. Do not say anti-COVID-19 vaccine or anti-coronavirus vaccine. Instead, say COVID-19 vaccine or coronavirus vaccine.

Use the manufacturer’s name to refer to a specific vaccine (Pfizer, Moderna, etc.).


A new form of a virus. If a variant is different enough in certain ways than previous ones, it might be designated as a new strain. Variant and strain are not interchangeable terms. Avoid using numbers given to specific variants (B.1.1.7 variant) and avoid country labels like the South Africa variant. Instead, write the variant first detected in South Africa


One word, lowercase.


One word, lowercase.

virtual meeting

Do not use this term. Meetings are real, not virtual. The preferred terms are online meeting and videoconference.


An infectious agent that replicates only within the cells of living hosts, mainly bacteria, plants, and animals.


Short for video blog. One word, lowercase.


One word, lowercase.


Abbreviation for virtual private network. Abbreviation OK after initial explanation. All capitals and no periods.



Note lowercase.


One word, lowercase.


One word, lowercase.

web conference

Two words, lowercase.

web feed

Two words, lowercase.

web hosting

Two words, lowercase.


A seminar conducted online. One word, lowercase.


Do not use. Use blog instead.


One word, lowercase.


One word, lowercase.


One word, lowercase.


Note capitalization.


Note hyphen.


Note lowercase. Do not capitalize descriptive words that indicate direction only (west Hennepin County).


Note capitalization when used as an adjective referring to race. Lowercasing white implies it is the default or standard, and devoid of race. This term is preferred over Caucasian.


Note capitalization and hyphen.


Lowercase. Plural: wikis.

winter, wintertime

Lowercase the season name. See also seasons.


Note hyphens when used as a noun or adjective. 



Abbreviation for Extensible Hypertext Markup Language. Depending on audience, may require explanation on first reference. All capitals and no periods


Abbreviation for Extensible Markup Language. Depending on audience, may require explanation on first reference. All capitals and no periods.


your, you're

Your means belonging to you (Your briefcase is over there.). You're is a contraction of you are.


One word. Note capitalization of “T.”