Installing components library
Downloading and incorporating design system components
Download the ZIP file
- Go to the Hennepin County GitHub repository
- Navigate to the green Code button and select Download ZIP from the options.
- After downloading the ZIP file, extract the contents.
Add the component files
- Find the components directory in the extracted folder. This directory stores individual components and their files (HTML, CSS, and sometimes JS).
- Copy the files from the directory into your project’s corresponding directories. For example, copy the button files to your project’s buttons directory.
Incorporate the Design System CSS Stylesheet
- The file ./CSS/index.css is a compiled CSS file that includes all the CSS for the design system. Copy ./CSS/index.css into your project, then link it in your HTML files.
- The index.css file is compiled from ./index.scss in the root folder. If you would like to remove any components from the stylesheet, edit what files are forwarded by ./index.scss and then recompile a new CSS file.
- Note that the Search and Modal components require their nested components (button and text input field) to be imported.
Use the components
To use a component, copy and paste the component HTML into your project, then replace any placeholder text with real content. Adjust the component’s HTML and JS as needed to fit your project needs.